How To Create A Superbill For The Cash Based Chiropractor


Being out of network does not mean that clients won’t be able to be reimbursed for your care. The Superbill is an amazing tool for the Cash Based Chiropractor and is something you are going to want to provide to your clients. It allows you to be paid upfront for your services and for your client to be reimbursed for your care. The best of both worlds.

Today we cover everything you need to know about a Superbill to be sure your clients can still be reimbursed for your services.

  • What Is a Superbill?

    Many of your clients will have Out of Network Benefits as part of their insurance plans. This means that a portion of their bill may be reimbursed by their insurance. A Superbill is a detailed receipt that includes all the information needed for your client to get reimbursed.

    Note: Each insurance policy has different out of network benefits. You should always make clear that it’s up to the patient to understand the particulars of their plan.

  • Creating Your Superbill

    The key to creating a successful Superbill is to be sure that it has all the information that the insurance company will need to get your client reimbursed. You do not want to get into a back and forth with the insurance company over missing information. Here’s a list of all that needs to be included on your Superbill

    • Patient Name

    • Date of Service

    • Charges

    • Doctor and Clinic Name

    • Clinic Address

    • Tax ID #

    • NPI #

    • CPT Code

    • Dx Codes

    Once all the info is on the superbill you can print it out and give it to your client. They can then mail their Superbill to their Insurance claims center and if your services are covered - your patient will receive a check in the mail.

Watch The Video Below To See How I Create My Superbills on Wave Accounting App

  • Examples of Superbill

Here is the example of a Superbill we have used in our clinic previously. Just circle your CPT and Dx codes, give to your patients and it’s good to go

Superbill Example - Cash Based Chiropractor.JPG
  • Communicating the Superbill

    Most of your clients won’t know what a Superbill is. Which means you’ll have to explain it to them in and easy to understand manner. Confused patients don’t get started on care. Here is a script we use in our clinic

    "The Superbill is a receipt that allows you to be reimbursed for care at our clinic. If your plan has out of network benefits they will send you the reimbursement check in the mail.”

  • Troubleshooting the Superbill

    Even with the PERFECT Superbill you will sometimes get pushback from insurance companies. I would strongly advise not to get in a back and forth. The patient is the customer of the insurance company which means they have all the leverage and need to be responsible for getting reimbursed. Trying to cater to different insurance companies delays the process and can ultimately lead to the patient as viewing you and your clinic as the ‘bas guy’ (learned this the hard way).

So there you have it. Everything you need to get started utilizing the Superbill to help your clients get reimbursed for care at your clinic. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at the


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